The Running Total

So far, the grand total of identified species on the property stands at 1234.

Saturday, 14 January 2023

Leggy #2

Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Our little pond has brought in a couple of unexpected visitors in the past week, including this wary immature Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea). I first saw it from an upstairs window, but it flapped off as soon as it spotted me. Fortunately, it returned a few days later and Mike was able to snap its picture (while hiding behind some bushes along the drive). We're not sure what it's finding at this time of the year, but it's been back three or four times now, so there must be something tasty visible in there. These herons feed mostly on fish, but will also take newts, frogs, toads, small birds and small mammals. Grey Herons are common and widespread residents, both at the coast (which is only a few hundred metres from here) and in freshwater wet spots across the UK. Elsewhere, they're found across temperate Europe and Asia, and down into Africa. Youngsters like this one (identifiable by its lack of a black cap and the black on its bill) are more likely than adults to show up at garden ponds. We're happy to see it – but hoping that it's not clearing out all our Smooth Newts!

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