The Running Total

So far, the grand total of identified species on the property stands at 1233.


Total count = 30. Click on a species name to go to the associated blog post.

Snail Hunter (Cychrus caraboides)
Great Silver Water Beetle (Hydrophilus piceus)
Shore Sexton Beetle (Necrodes littoralis)
Sexton Beetle (Nicrophorus investigator)
Minotaur Beetle (Typhaeus typhoeus)
Cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha)
Summer Chafer (Amphimallon solstitialis)
Common Red Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva)
Glischrochilus hortensis
Pine Ladybird (Exochomus quadripustulatus)
Fourteen-spot Ladybird (Propylea 14-punctata)
Orange Ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata)
Twentytwo-spot Ladybird (Psyllobora 22-punctata)
Seven-spot Ladybird (Coccinella 7-punctata)
Ten-spot Ladybird (Adalia decempunctata)
Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis)
Thistle Tortoise Beetle (Cassida rubiginosa)
Lagria hirta
Swollen-thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis)
Spotted Longhorn Beetle (Rutpela maculata)
Wasp Beetle (Clytus arietis)
Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle (Agapanthia villosoviridescens)
Cereal Leaf Beetle (Oulema melanopus)
Scarlet Lily Beetle (Lilioceris lilii)
Rosemary Beetle (Chrysolina americana)
Willowherb Flea Beetle (Altica lythri)
Apple Fruit Weevil (Neocoenorrhinus aequatus)
Nut Weevil (Curculio nucum)
Liophloeus tessulatus
Thistle-head Weevil (Rhinocyllus conicus)

*Systematic list from

Last modified on 6 July 2022

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